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DienChan Zone Italian Facial Reflexology


Why can't we live a life without pain and symptoms of imbalance. All these signs are messages for us to wake-up, shake-up what we are currently doing and experiencing. How often do we not listen to our bodies; to not eat when we are hungry or to continue eating when we are full. To not sleep when we are tired or not step back when we are stressed. We must step out of this daze we are walking around in. This life if ours, we are not separate from it. Step fully into the present and make a choice. Allow yourself to be carried away, into the depths of change and far from fear.
You are the medicine you are seeking. 




Founded in 1980 by Professor Bùi Quôc Châu of  Vietnam), it originated as a form of acupuncture and developed as a multi-reflexology utilizing the body’s natural reflex-nerve and meridian systems. 


The main purpose of this highly effective technique is to dissolve energetic blocks.and promote boundless healing . A typical treatment consists of facial massage whereby stimulus is applied, according to more than 30 well-established reflex maps and over 600 points on the face, resulting in a deep inner response and putting energy back into circulation.  

what it can do//

I feel the biggest gift of this treatment is re-minding people of their own innate ability to heal

by listening to the messages from their body. By doing so you can help re-balance organ systems,

treat skin disorders and alleviate inflammation and pain throughout the body and symptoms such as; 

Sinus problems
Neck and back pain
Digestive problems
Circulatory issues

Water retention
Migraines and headaches
Panic attacks and anxiety
Menstrual pains, hormonal and fertility issues
Muscle and joint aches e.g. cramps, lumbago, sciatica
And so many more. The results and learning are endless.

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 When we practice facial reflexology we build new body-brain pathways of connection.
We ignite a forgotten power.
We give motion to healing both within and without.
The connection gives us strength, understanding, community and ultimately it returns us to divinity

- Helen Black

still curious?


about me


Over the years I have personally tried and studied many things on the road to wellness. Each of those techniques shared many lessons and led me to where I am today.

What I love about this technique is that it doesn't label us as broken or anything less than what we are, or where we are, at the present moment. It is an invitation to stop avoiding and step deeper into knowing yourself, your greatest relationship of all. And the best thing is that you can do it anywhere, anytime no tools required. The key to your health really is on your face and in your hands with DienChanZone!

It has been more than a year since I started to work with this technique and the results have been amazing. Anxiety, sinus and digestive issues have lessened considerably and I am more aware of when something causes an imbalance, emotionally or physically. At the first signs of any cold symptoms I have the tools to avoid or lesson the symptoms. Even my toddler loves to practice it!

This technique may appear simple, but the layers are many and the awareness evolves as you do.

I have chosen to focus solely on DienChan Zone so that I can fully embrace, and share, all the gifts it has to offer.

I look forward to joining you on your journey!

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